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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » College students live where they go to school. Citizens have a right to VOTE WHERE THEY LIVE. Making it otherwise is DIRTY TRICKS. Right?

College students live where they go to school. Citizens have a right to VOTE WHERE THEY LIVE. Making it otherwise is DIRTY TRICKS. Right?

Know anything about the decades-long fight in Waller County, Texas? It centers around Prairie View A&M, a college which has a student body that is 82% AFrican American. WALLER COUNTY is the center or RACIST dirty tricks. The Supreme Court has ruled that college students have the right to vote where they college. Yet at one point 19 students were INDICTED for fraudulent vote because they voted on campus. Waller County Waller County Waller County. A pigpen of racism. I wonder how many Waller Counties there are in other states? We  KNOW Georgia is a pigpen of racism.

Posted - October 12, 2018


  • College students do not possess the authority, nor the right, to determine residency requirements or voting requirements. The only "dirty trick" is the effort to abolish any regulation of the voting process so that illegal voting will be rampant. It's the only way that the left can guarantee  a permanent lock on power. As far as knowing anything about the racial climate of "Georgi", if you've never been here (or depend on CNN as an authoritative source) you're not entitled to an opinion. 
      October 12, 2018 12:30 PM MDT

  • 6023
    From personal experience ... most college students don't change their voter registration when they go to college.
    So they remain registered at their parents' home (as that's generally where they registered when they turned 18).

    So yep ... if you don't change your registered address for voting, and try to vote in another district - it's vote fraud.
    Nothing related to gender or ethnicity.

    Personally - I'd love to see a change that you could vote in any election that effects your property or taxes, regardless of your residency.
      October 12, 2018 12:42 PM MDT